Radon mapping in Piedmont (North-West Italy): a radio-geo-lithological approach
Background: In this work a radon mapping method implemented in Piedmont, an Italian Region in the Northern part of the country, is presented and discussed.
Methods: The method is based on a “mixed approach”, combining together an experimental approach, based on a large set of experimental radon measurements performed with nuclear track detectors, and an empirical model, based on the geo-lithological characteristics of soils and rocks. This approach was named as “radio-geo-lithological” because the identification of geo-lithological units was defined considering not only the usual geological classification of the territory but also the radioactivity content of the most widespread rocks and soils of Piedmont.
Results and Conclusion: This method allowed to classification of all municipalities of Piedmont (1181), thus permitting the identification of the Radon Priority Areas, a provision required by the new Italian law (Legislative Decree 101/2020), implementing the European Basic Safety Standards (Euratom Directive 59/2013).
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