Experience from radon in soil gas comparison measurements held in Czech Republic and in other countries, 1992–2022
Radon 222Rn, an inert natural radioactive gas, a daughter product in the 238U natural decay series, a source of alpha radiation, together with its short-lived decay products is a dominant source of absorbed radiation doses in the population. Rocks and building materials are fundamental sources of radon in dwellings. Elevated indoor radon activity concentration in houses and workplaces, surpassing recommended reference levels, is not desirable. Since radon penetrates into the houses from the geological basement, various technical aids for protection of houses have been developed. Their individual application derives from the radon potential of a building site. Radon risk mapping of building sites became a standard procedure for gauging the local radon potential. Various instruments and techniques of measurements of radon activity concentration in soil gas (Bq/m3) at building sites are available. Since radon in soil gas and radon measurement techniques are affected by several natural and technical conditions, resultant values of radon risk mapping by individual organizations vary, sometimes fundamentally. Radon comparison measurements at selected reference sites are an important tool for single organizations to verify their radon measuring procedures and reliability of their reported results. Based on legislative regulations, comparison measurements at established radon reference sites are a part of the obligatory activities for radon risk mapping at building sites in the Czech Republic. Experience and analyses of 30-year radon in soil gas comparison measurements in the Czech Republic show the dispersion of values reported by participating organizations and indicate that more than 10% of participants do not fulfill the established local criteria. This paper introduces requirements for the establishment of radon reference sites, documents their natural variability, recommends the procedure of radon comparison measurement, and analyses its results. A long-term experience was gained by testing organizations from the Czech Republic (1992–2022) as well as from the international comparison measurements organized in the Czech Republic and in several other countries (2010–2021).