Radioactive legacies and radon – recommendation of the German commission on radiological protection

  • Rainer Gellermann Nuclear Control & Consulting GmbH. Hinter dem Turme 24, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Joachim Breckow Institut für Medizinische Physik und Strahlenschutz (IMPS), Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen (THM), Gießen, Germany
Keywords: Dose limit, effective dose, indoor radon, outdoor radon, public, radioactive legacies, radon, Rn-222, reference value


In connection with the legal term of radioactively contaminated sites, the SSK recommended in 2022 that the reference value of 1 mSv effective dose in a calendar year specified in the Radiation Protection Act should be supplemented by a reference value for radon that is independent of this. The SSK suggested applying a reference value for Rn-222 (annual average concentration) of 300 Bq per m³ in buildings and 80 Bq per m³ in outdoor air.

The article describes the rationale for this recommendation and explains the contents of the SSK recommendation from the background of radiation protection conflicts arising from the current system of radiation protection. Because the protection against radon is detached from the dose as the uniform tool of judgment and forms a distinct approach, new problems arise. In particular, the common comparison of additional exposures with natural exposures via the uniform effective dose, frequently used in communication with the public, becomes questionable.


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How to Cite
Gellermann R., & Breckow J. (2023). Radioactive legacies and radon – recommendation of the German commission on radiological protection. Journal of the European Radon Association, 4.
Review Articles